Skull Bow-Tie, Ralph Lauren

Knit Bow-Tie, Barney's CO-OP
I'm completely obsessed with pretty much any bow-tie I can get my hands on, but for some reason I really REALLY like both of these. Could you Imagine if I wore the skull tie to one of my interviews? I'd die!
Unfortunately for me, neither of these ties are in my $0 recession budget and thus I must remain content with my current bow-tie collection.... unless I find a sweet deal somewhere *sigh*
Here are some pictures of myself and my lover Lauren... I'm wearing my favorite bow-tie here.

I got this tie at Star Struck Vintage when I was visiting Lauren in New York. The store is AMAZING!!
This night I decided to channel Thom Browne by wearing hot pants, oxfords with no socks, and my prized bow-tie. Lauren looks flawless per usual (she's the best dressed person I know). I'd tell you all about her outfit but I think she would have my head.
Ugh I have to go to work now... 6:00pm-1:00am barf