My cousin Chelsea and I looking like wasted busted disasters. I'm wearing: Peirre Cardin tie, plaid shirt, and faux croc belt, all vintage/thrifted. Gap shorts. Brooks Brothers Glasses. Urban Outfitters watch. Drink: vodka and diet coke (i.e. Skinny Bitch, haha)Haha! I think it's so funny that right after I make a post about how I hate Jacksonville bc everyone is busted I go over to the local party photog's website and find these pictures of my looking like a wasted Quasimodo hunchback disaster lol. I love it when I stick my foot in my mouth and become totally humbled as an outcome. It's so morally pleasing. Additionally, I worked this weekend and realized that there are actually a lot of really cute stylish ppl here in Jax. I guess since I work with all of them I kind of get used to it. Not to mention, I am a major perfectionist/pessimist so I tend to blow the smallest inadequacies out of proportion. Basically, what I'm trying to say is that there are some really cool kids here and that everyone, myself included, has their off days. So, I need to stop complaining and just have fun! I only have 139 days until I go to hell (i.e. med school) so I need to strive to see the best in everything and everyone! Ok this is almost enough positivity to make me barf... lol
Actually, now that I think about it, there are some people here that are so well dressed that I get excited about the prospect of seeing them out bc I know they will be visual and sartorial masterpieces. There is this one guy that I know who is a party promoter at a few clubs here. He and I were having drinks a few weeks ago and he told me he's been looking for top hats and Bob Dylan sunglasses. I was floored to say the least.
In other news, while I was at work on Saturday a customer asked me if I was the guy from Dr. Debonaire! Haha, I was so flattered/confused/slightly embarrassed. He was such a nice guy. He said he had a blog as well but I was too flustered to remember to ask for the link. Haha, so that was random!
Oh AND May over at
MayK All Day Everyday gave me the following "I Like You" award:

Ahh! I think the last award I got was like in 4th grade and it was for like good citizenship or perfect attendance or something lame. This was like the nicest thing ever May! Thank you so much! You're a doll! Marry me? Actually, "runaway with me?" is so much more romantic...
K I gotta get some REST! I'm tutoring pre-calculus tomorrow, barf!
Bye Sex Machines :)
p.s. Lauren from the infamous NYE post is visiting this weekend! If the postal service is working efficiently she may have some VERY exciting new shoe porn to share with us!!! EEEK!