Saturday, November 22, 2008

Today I look sexy wearing...

Today I'm wearing this corduroy blazer I thrifted, it's amazing! You should see the elbow patches!! With this I'm wearing a tartan shirt, Christian Dior tie, braided belt, and loafers, all vintage. I love how the paisley and plaid play off one another... very Simon Doonan if I do say so myself ;)

Now, let's see how many people here in Small Town USA stare at me as if I've just arrived from the Andromeda Galaxy... *sigh*

Hmm... what shall I wear out tonight? I'm thinking sex hair and skinny jeans...

1 comment:

IƱaki said...

Right. So I can officially say you are among the 5 most stylish men on earth. Easily. And we share the same taste for clothes. Although, after seeing all your pictures, I can honestly say I have a lot to learn.