Hey lovers! I just wanted to post something to let you guys know that I am alive. This is a photo a party photog took a few nights ago. I've been too busy to do a serious clownery post on my own, haha. I just spent last week looking for apts in orlando, visiting friends from college, volunteering, working, working out, and being a waste case lol. So my schedule has been pretty packed, haha.
On a side note, I was at the Sports Authority the other day buying new running shoes and the sales associate asked me if I was from Jacksonville. When I said that I was she was like "That's weird. You don't look like anyone here." LOL! Ugh, I'm clearly from Mars... thanks bitch lol
I've been thrifting up a storm lately and Lauren and I had a random photoshoot in an alley and on a roof the other night so if anything I can update with those pictures tomorrow.
I hope everyone is doing well and staying sexual.
later bitches :)
FINALLY. update more, plz.
We've missed you.
we needed you back.
now commence with the sexay.
All guys should have your eye for fashion. Absolutely gorgeous, stellar even. I'm not really adept with men's fashion but if I had an image of what men's fashion should be, you would clearly be it.
Adding you on my blog roll so I can see further updates.
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