Tuesday, February 3, 2009

life = over

Posing like my grandmother, Coco

So I thought that not having to work all week would mean that I was going to be a blogging machine but unfortunately it actually meant that I would continue to contribute to my impending liver cirrhosis, haha. So I finally got sick of all the drunk shenanigans and decided to make a new post... until something awful happened! I can't find my camera! I mean the thing is freaking huge... it's not like I take it out to bars with me. Ugh, I'm sure someone just moved it from it's usual location (my room) to somewhere safer. I am now on a mission to find the thing so I can continue to blog.

In other news, I had my first day of volunteering yesterday and I loved it. I am probably the only person under the age of 60 in the children's hospital auxiliary , haha. Regardless, all of the old ladies are really sweet and the kids are super cute so I think I'm going to love it. We had a luncheon yesterday and they asked us what our favorite and least favorite part of volunteering was. I told them my least favorite part was the uniform... no bow-ties allowed! Ugh, I am pissed obviously, but it's about the kids... not me!

Ok, back to my search for the camera! Hopefully, I can update tonight!

bye sex muffins


whats-he-wearing.com said...

you are sex
hot sex :P

SOS! said...

eek no camera! DISASTER! hope it turns up.

xx-LJ from SOS!

Sabrina said...

Oh no not the camera! I'd die.

That means no outfit posts for a while? Aww. Hope you find it soon!

So the worst part of volunteering was not being able to wear a bow-tie? It's not seeing helpless children suffering everyday? Ok, maybe bow-ties is second.

RetroVintageModStyle said...

Good luck finding the camera! Stop the liver harming lol

Anonymous said...

hot-ness! lol

goodluck finding the camera! :)

we could grow up 2gether said...

cigarette and facial hair, the perfect accessories

Anonymous said...

why is all your stuff vintage? and how come you never mention the brand?

Dr. Debonaire said...

Thanks to everyone for all of their nice comments! I found the camera! I've gotten a few new things that I want to update on today!

Sabrina - Yeah, working with sick children is an inherent negative aspect of volunteering at a children's hospital and ultimately being a doctor. It's funny you should mention this because I said my favorite part about working there was being able to make the kids happy, even for just a little while. I guess it's how you perceive the situation.

Anonymous - The majority of my clothing is vintage because I do most of my shopping at estate sales, thrift stores, flea markets, antique stores, and of course vintage stores. I like shopping at these places bc most of the pieces are one of a kind. I generally do not put the brands bc either they are not well known or the tags have fallen off. If you have any further questions you can e-mail me at rskinner86@gmail.com. Thank you for your interest.

Char Ruiz Manjarrez said...

ooHey, I thought I had already commented in this post but it doesn't appear here. Maybe I'm going crazy? Maybe you thought my comment was too indicent to see the light of day? oh the mystery! oh the intrigue!

Anyways it was pretty boring saying you looked hot in that pic and good luck finding your camera, blah blah and I see you already did, but no new posts?

Oh the mystery continues . . .


May Kasahara said...

ok - so you are saying we are hanging out WHEN???

ps. please download Trina - "No Panties" - it is so full of WIN.

pps. also I am fucking LOL because my word verification is "pantidor"